196 lines
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196 lines
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// Welcome to The Graveyard Config!
// Structures:
// Enable or disable structure spawns.
// Mobs:
// Configure spawning weight and group size of the spawn (ghoul, revenant, reaper, nightmare, skeleton creeper).
// Configure if mobs burn in sunlight and/or if mobs are affected by the wither effect.
// Additional:
// Configure graveyard fog particles rising from moss and set the chance of spawning them (higher numbers = lower chance of spawning).
// Configure if hordes of graveyard mobs can spawn and set their size and frequency.
// Configure if urns have a double chest inventory.
// Configure if the wither skeleton spawner in the large graveyard will be replaced by a skeleton spawner.
"structureConfigEntries": {
"small_grave": {
"enabled": true
"crypt": {
"enabled": true
"small_graveyard": {
"enabled": true
"small_desert_grave": {
"enabled": true
"memorial_tree": {
"enabled": true
"small_desert_graveyard": {
"enabled": true
"large_graveyard": {
"enabled": true
"small_savanna_grave": {
"enabled": true
"mushroom_grave": {
"enabled": true
"haunted_house": {
"enabled": true
"giant_mushroom": {
"enabled": true
"altar": {
"enabled": true
"ruins": {
"enabled": true
"medium_graveyard": {
"enabled": true
"lich_prison": {
"enabled": true
"dead_tree": {
"enabled": true
"small_mountain_grave": {
"enabled": true
"particleConfigEntries": {
"graveyard_fog_particle": {
"canGenerate": true,
"spawnChance": 50
"mobConfigEntries": {
"acolyte": {
"enabled": false,
"weight": 0,
"minGroup": 0,
"maxGroup": 0,
"canBurnInSunlight": false,
"canBeWithered": false
"revenant": {
"enabled": true,
"weight": 25,
"minGroup": 5,
"maxGroup": 8,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"wraith": {
"enabled": false,
"weight": 0,
"minGroup": 0,
"maxGroup": 0,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"corrupted_vindicator": {
"enabled": false,
"weight": 0,
"minGroup": 0,
"maxGroup": 0,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"skeleton_creeper": {
"enabled": true,
"weight": 25,
"minGroup": 1,
"maxGroup": 4,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"corrupted_pillager": {
"enabled": false,
"weight": 0,
"minGroup": 0,
"maxGroup": 0,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"ghoul": {
"enabled": true,
"weight": 25,
"minGroup": 2,
"maxGroup": 5,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"reaper": {
"enabled": true,
"weight": 5,
"minGroup": 2,
"maxGroup": 3,
"canBurnInSunlight": true,
"canBeWithered": false
"nightmare": {
"enabled": true,
"weight": 10,
"minGroup": 1,
"maxGroup": 1,
"canBurnInSunlight": false,
"canBeWithered": false
"hordeConfigEntries": {
"horde_spawn": {
"enabled": true,
"mobSpawnAttempts": 40,
"ticksUntilNextSpawn": 24000,
"additionalRandomizedTicks": 1200
"corruptedChampionConfigEntries": {
"corrupted_champion": {
"healthInCastingPhase": 500.0,
"healthInHuntingPhase": 400.0,
"damageCastingPhase": 34.0,
"damageHuntingPhaseAddition": 45.0,
"armor": 17.0,
"armorToughness": 12.0,
"speedInHuntPhase": 0.15,
"durationHuntingPhase": 800,
"durationFallingCorpseSpell": 400,
"durationHealingSpell": 700,
"durationLevitationSpell": 150,
"maxAmountSkullsInShootSkullSpell": 5,
"maxSummonedMobs": 35,
"maxGroupSizeSummonedMobs": 6,
"ghoulSpawnTimerInFight": 6000,
"isBloodCollectableEntity": [
"isBossSummonableItem": [
"summoningNeedsStaffFragments": true,
"isMultiphaseFight": true,
"isInvulnerableDuringSpells": true,
"cooldownCorpseSpell": 400,
"cooldownTeleportPlayerAndHeal": 600,
"cooldownLevitationSpell": 400,
"playerTeleportYOffset": -15
"booleanEntries": {
"disableWitherSkeletonSpawner": false,
"urnHasDoubleInventory": true,
"enableBossMusic": true
"intEntries": {}