{ // The duration in milliseconds ingame recipe/unlock popups stay on the screen "ToastTimeMilliseconds": 7500, // The reverb decay time for sound effects in Spectrum's dimension "DimensionReverbDecayTime": 8.0, // The reverb density for sound effects in Spectrum's dimension "DimensionReverbDensity": 0.5, // Mod Integration Packs to not load (in case of mod compat errors) "IntegrationPacksToSkipLoading": [], // Add some advanced tooltips to items, like if Sculk Shriekers are able to summon the Warden "AddItemTooltips": true, /* The vanilla anvil caps enchantment levels at the max level for the enchantment So enchanted books that exceed the enchantments natural max level get capped If true the bedrock anvil will not cap the enchantments level to it's natural max level */ "BedrockAnvilCanExceedMaxVanillaEnchantmentLevel": false, /* The chance that an Enderman is holding a special treasure block on spawn Separate value for Endermen spawning in the end, since there are LOTS of them there Those blocks do not gate progression, so it is not that drastic not finding any right away. Better to let players stumble about them organically instead of forcing it. */ "EndermanHoldingEnderTreasureChance": 0.10000000149011612, "EndermanHoldingEnderTreasureInEndChance": 0.007499999832361937, // Worlds where shooting stars spawn for players. Shooting Stars will only spawn for players with sufficient progress in the mod "ShootingStarWorlds": [ "minecraft:overworld", "starry_skies:overworld", "paradise_lost:paradise_lost" ], // Worlds where lightning strikes can spawn Storm Stones "StormStonesWorlds": [ "minecraft:overworld", "starry_skies:overworld", "paradise_lost:paradise_lost" ], // chance for a lightning strike to spawn a Storm Stone "StormStonesChance": 0.4000000059604645, /* Shooting star spawns are checked every night between time 13000 and 22000, every 100 ticks (so 100 chances per night). By default, there is a 0.0075 ^= 0.75 % chance at each of those check times. Making it ~1 shooting star spawn per night per player that unlocked the required progression. */ "ShootingStarChance": 0.007499999832361937, /* The time in ticks it takes a Pigment Pedestal to craft a vanilla Crafting Table recipe without upgrades Setting this to <=0 will make the Pedestal not able to be used for crafting Crafting Table recipes. */ "VanillaRecipeCraftingTimeTicks": 40, /* How fast decay will be spreading on random tick can be used to slow down propagation speed of decay in the worlds decay does use very few resources, but if your fear of someone letting decay spread free or using higher random tick rates than vanilla you can limit the spreading rate here Fading and Failing do no real harm to the world. If you turn up these values too high players may lack the feedback they need that what they are doing is correct 1.0: Every random tick (default) 0.5: Every second random tick 0.0: Never (forbidden - players would be unable to progress) */ "FadingDecayTickRate": 1.0, "FailingDecayTickRate": 1.0, "RuinDecayTickRate": 1.0, "ForfeitureDecayTickRate": 1.0, // Whether bottles can be used to pick up decay. Default is true. "CanBottleUpFading": true, "CanBottleUpFailing": true, "CanBottleUpRuin": true, "CanBottleUpForfeiture": true, // Whether decay can take over block entities. Defaults to false. "FadingCanDestroyBlockEntities": false, "FailingCanDestroyBlockEntities": false, "RuinCanDestroyBlockEntities": false, "ForfeitureCanDestroyBlockEntities": true, // When a player places decay, add an entry to the server log "LogPlacingOfDecay": true, // The audio volume for Spectrums crafting blocks. Set to 0.0 to turn those sounds off completely. "BlockSoundVolume": 0.5, /* Enable or disable specific enchantments. Resonance and Voiding can not be disabled. This does only disable the registration of said Enchantments, not all recipes based on them (except for Enchantment Upgrade Recipes) */ "FoundryEnchantmentEnabled": true, "ExuberanceEnchantmentEnabled": true, "InventoryInsertionEnchantmentEnabled": true, "PestControlEnchantmentEnabled": true, "TreasureHunterEnchantmentEnabled": true, "DisarmingEnchantmentEnabled": true, "FirstStrikeEnchantmentEnabled": true, "ImprovedCriticalEnchantmentEnabled": true, "InertiaEnchantmentEnabled": true, "CloversFavorEnchantmentEnabled": true, "SniperEnchantmentEnabled": true, "TightGripEnchantmentEnabled": true, "SteadfastEnchantmentEnabled": true, "IndestructibleEnchantmentEnabled": true, "BigCatchEnchantmentEnabled": true, "RazingEnchantmentEnabled": true, "InexorableEnchantmentEnabled": true, // The max levels for all Enchantments "TreasureHunterMaxLevel": 3, "DisarmingMaxLevel": 2, "FirstStrikeMaxLevel": 2, "ImprovedCriticalMaxLevel": 2, "InertiaMaxLevel": 3, "CloversFavorMaxLevel": 3, "TightGripMaxLevel": 2, "BigCatchMaxLevel": 3, // Exuberance increases experience gained when killing mobs. With 25% bonus XP and 5 levels this would mean 2,25x XP on max level "ExuberanceMaxLevel": 5, "ExuberanceBonusExperiencePercentPerLevel": 0.25, // In vanilla, crits are a flat 50 % damage bonus. Improved Critical increases this damage by additional 50 % per level by default "ImprovedCriticalExtraDamageMultiplierPerLevel": 0.5, // Flat additional damage dealt with each level of the First Strike enchantment "FirstStrikeDamagePerLevel": 2.0, // The percentile a mobs armor/hand stacks are being dropped when hit with a Disarming enchanted weapon per the enchantments level "DisarmingChancePerLevelMobs": 0.009999999776482582, // If > 0 the Disarming Enchantment is able to remove armor and hand tools from a hit player. Should be a far smaller chance than for mobs "DisarmingChancePerLevelPlayers": 0.0010000000474974513, // The % attack speed boost each level of Tight Grip gives to a tool "TightGripAttackSpeedBonusPercentPerLevel": 0.0625, // The duration a glow ink sac gives night vision when wearing a glow vision helmet in seconds "GlowVisionGogglesDuration": 240, "GemstoneArmorHelmetProtection": 3, "GemstoneArmorChestplateProtection": 7, "GemstoneArmorLeggingsProtection": 5, "GemstoneArmorBootsProtection": 3, "GemstoneArmorToughness": 0.0, "GemstoneArmorKnockbackResistance": 0.0, "GemstoneArmorWeaknessAmplifier": 1, "GemstoneArmorSlownessAmplifier": 1, "GemstoneArmorAbsorptionAmplifier": 0, "GemstoneArmorResistanceAmplifier": 1, "GemstoneArmorRegenerationAmplifier": 1, "GemstoneArmorSpeedAmplifier": 2, "BedrockArmorHelmetProtection": 5, "BedrockArmorLeggingsProtection": 9, "BedrockArmorChestplateProtection": 13, "BedrockArmorBootsProtection": 5, "BedrockArmorToughness": 3.0, "BedrockArmorKnockbackResistance": 0.30000001192092896, "MaxLevelForEffectsInLesserPotionPendant": 3, "MaxLevelForEffectsInGreaterPotionPendant": 1, /* True will prevent the spread of Decay blocks in claims. Only enable when necessary and communicate to your players that those blocks will not work in their claims. If any player comes to the Spectrum devs claiming that decay does not spread for them and therefore they could not progress without them gotten told that, your will get put on the 'bad pack devs' list and this config setting removed again */ "DecayIsStoppedByClaimMods": false, /* By Default, Roughly Enough Items will show a 'recipe not unlocked yet' screen for not yet unlocked recipes. Setting this value to false will instead not show this screen, showing no recipes whatsoever, until unlocked */ "REIListsRecipesAsNotUnlocked": true, /* If the player has Azure Dike Charges: Where should they be rendered on the screen. Default: Over the food bar Only touch those values if you have other mods that render GUI overlays! */ "AzureDikeHudOffsetX": 0, "AzureDikeHudOffsetY": 0, "AzureDikeHudOffsetYWithArmor": -10, "AzureDikeHudOffsetYForEachRowOfExtraHearts": -10 }