{ "general": { "manualRefund": { "comment": "Allow refunding items used to craft the manual", "value": true }, "MachineSoundVolume": { "comment": "Machines crafting sound volume (0 - disabled, 1 - max)", "value": 1.0 }, "DispenserScrapbox": { "comment": "Dispensers will open scrapboxes", "value": true }, "vanillaUnlockRecipes": { "comment": "Enable recipe unlocks only with vanilla mechanic, instead of getting all of them at once", "value": false }, "IC2TransformersStyle": { "comment": "Input from dots side, output from other sides, like in IC2.", "value": true } }, "nuke": { "radius": { "comment": "Nuke explosion radius", "value": 40 }, "fusetime": { "comment": "Nuke fuse time (ticks)", "value": 400 }, "enabled": { "comment": "Should the nuke explode, set to false to prevent block damage", "value": true } }, "resin_basin": { "saptime": { "comment": "How long it takes to harvest one sap (ticks)", "value": 80 }, "SapCheckTime": { "comment": "How often to check for sap (will check if world time % this number is zero)", "value": 50 } }, "cable": { "uninsulatedElectrocutionSound": { "comment": "When true an uninsulated cable will create a spark sound when an entity touches it", "value": true }, "uninsulatedElectrocutionDamage": { "comment": "When true an uninsulated cable will cause damage to entities", "value": true }, "uninsulatedElectrocutionParticles": { "comment": "When true an uninsulated cable will create a spark when an entity touches it", "value": true } } }