{ "common": { "allowTeleportComment": "Allows a player to teleport to a located biome when in creative mode, opped, or in cheat mode.", "allowTeleport": true, "displayCoordinatesComment": "Allows players to view the precise coordinates and distance of a located structure on the HUD, rather than relying on the direction the compass is pointing.", "displayCoordinates": true, "maxSamplesComment": "The maximum number of samples to be taken when searching for a biome.", "maxSamples": 50000, "radiusModifierComment": "biomeSize * radiusModifier = maxSearchRadius. Raising this value will increase search accuracy but will potentially make the process more resource .", "radiusModifier": 2500, "sampleSpaceModifierComment": "biomeSize * sampleSpaceModifier = sampleSpace. Lowering this value will increase search accuracy but will make the process more resource intensive.", "sampleSpaceModifier": 16, "biomeBlacklistComment": "A list of biomes that the compass will not be able to search for, specified by resource location. The wildcard character * can be used to match any number of characters, and ? can be used to match one character. Ex (ignore backslashes): [\"minecraft:savanna\", \"minecraft:desert\", \"minecraft:*ocean*\"]", "biomeBlacklist": [] }, "client": { "displayWithChatOpenComment": "Displays Nature's Compass information even while chat is open.", "displayWithChatOpen": true, "fixBiomeNamesComment": "Fixes biome names by adding missing spaces. Ex: ForestHills becomes Forest Hills", "fixBiomeNames": true, "overlayLineOffsetComment": "The line offset for information rendered on the HUD.", "overlayLineOffset": 1, "overlaySideComment": "The side for information rendered on the HUD. Ex: LEFT, RIGHT", "overlaySide": "LEFT" } }