{ /* * The distance from the player that the Tempad is summoned. * Range: 1 - 10 */ "distanceFromPlayer": 3, /* * The amount of time in ticks that the timedoor will wait before closing itself after the owner walked through it. * Type: Integer */ "timedoorWaitTime": 60, /* * The amount of time in ticks that the Tempad will add to the wait time when the player is in the Tempad. * Type: Integer */ "timedoorAddWaitTime": 40, // Whether or not the Tempad should allow interdimensional travel. "allowInterdimensionalTravel": true, // Whether or not the Tempad should allow exporting of locations onto Location Cards. "allowExporting": true, // Whether or not the Tempad should consume a cooldown when exporting a location. "consumeCooldown": true, // Whether or not the Tempad should allow teleporting to waystones. "waystonesCompat": true, // Whether or not the Tempad should allow teleporting to waystones from the Fabric version of Waystones by LordDeatHunter (fwaystones) (ignore on forge). "fabricWaystonesCompat": true, /* * The amount of fuel that the timedoor will consume on opening of the timedoor. * Type: Integer */ "timedoorFuelAmount": 180, /* * The amount of fuel that the timedoor can hold. * Type: Integer */ "timedoorFuelCapacity": 1000, /* * The amount of fuel that the advanced timedoor will consume on opening of the timedoor. * Type: Integer */ "advancedTimedoorFuelAmount": 1, /* * The amount of fuel that the advanced timedoor can hold. * Type: Integer */ "advancedTimedoorFuelCapacity": 1000, // The type of fuel that the timedoor will consume. "timedoorFuelType": "tempad:timer", // The type of fuel that the advanced timedoor will consume. "advancedTimedoorFuelType": "tempad:unlimited" }