{ "dependencies": [ "0A895BEB210EA39C", "00CE2107C6C46BE1" ], "tasks": { "5F72EAFC2DFD5EA3": { "type": "heracles:item", "item": "spectrumjetpacks:gemstone_jetpack", "amount": 1, "collection": "AUTOMATIC", "title": "", "icon": { "item": { "id": "minecraft:air", "count": 0 }, "type": "heracles:item" } } }, "rewards": { "lootbag": { "title": "", "icon": { "item": { "id": "minecraft:air", "count": 0 }, "type": "heracles:item" }, "item": { "id": "lootbags:loot_bag", "count": 1, "nbt": { "Type": "RARE", "Color": 16747259, "Loot": "aof:loot_bags/spectrum/rare", "Name": "Spectrum Rare Lootbag" } }, "type": "heracles:item" } }, "display": { "subtitle": { "translate": "§eTo the Sky!" }, "description": [ "

&&eTo the Sky!

", "
", "", "
", "The &&bGemstone Jetpack&&r runs on purple Ink. You can &&6ascend&&r, you can &&6hover&&r, and if you sprint while it's active you'll be granted a massive &&6horizontal movement boost&&r.", "
", "&&7&&oJust try not to run out of Ink while high above the ground.&&r", "
", "" ], "groups": { "Spectrum": { "position": [ 304, 192 ] } }, "icon": { "item": { "id": "spectrumjetpacks:gemstone_jetpack", "count": 1 }, "type": "heracles:item" }, "icon_background": "heracles:textures/gui/quest_backgrounds/default.png", "title": { "translate": "I Dream of Flying" } }, "settings": { "unlockNotification": false, "showDependencyArrow": true, "repeatable": false, "individual_progress": false, "hidden": "IN_PROGRESS" } }