##[zoom] [The base zoom factor before zooming in or out.] D:base_zoom_factor = '0.45'; [Caps the maximum FOV when zooming out, so you can't zoom out more than your normal FOV. Default = true] B:zoom_out_cap = 'true'; [If the camera should move smoothly when zoomed.] B:smooth_camera_on_zoom = 'false'; [How much to zoom out per scroll.] D:zoom_out_per_scroll = '0.05'; [If the zoom factor should reset to the base zoom factor when stop zooming. Default = true] B:reset_zoom_factor = 'true'; [How much to zoom in per scroll.] D:zoom_in_per_scroll = '0.05'; [How fast the zoom should interpolate between the current FOV and the modified/zoomed FOV. Higher values mean faster interpolation. Default = 0.1 (10 frames), Min = 0.01 (100 frames), Max = 1 (1 frame)] D:lerp_amount = '1';