Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "1.0.0" have entirely different histories.
main ... 1.0.0

130 changed files with 613 additions and 1368 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,4 @@
# See
# Exclude README

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
"hideWarningToast": true,
"alwaysHideReportButton": false,
"disableTelemetry": true,
"showReloadButton": false,
"showReloadButton": true,
"whitelistAllServers": false,
"verifiedIconEnabled": false,
"showNCRButton": false,
"verifiedIconEnabled": true,
"showNCRButton": true,
"enableMod": true,
"skipRealmsWarning": false,
"verifiedIconOffsetX": 0,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"isHoldToAttackEnabled": true,
"isMiningWithWeaponsEnabled": false,
"isSwingThruGrassEnabled": true,
"isAttackInsteadOfMineWhenEnemiesCloseEnabled": true,
"isHighlightCrosshairEnabled": true,
"hudHighlightColor": 16711680,
"isShowingArmsInFirstPerson": false,
"isShowingOtherHandFirstPerson": true,
"isSweepingParticleEnabled": true,
"isTooltipAttackRangeEnabled": true,
"weaponSwingSoundVolume": 100,
"isDebugOBBEnabled": true,
"swingThruGrassBlacklist": "farmersdelight"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
"schema_version": 1,
"blacklist_item_id_regex": "pickaxe|farmersdelight",
"fallback_compatibility": [
"item_id_regex": "claymore|great_sword|greatsword",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:claymore"
"item_id_regex": "great_hammer|greathammer|war_hammer|warhammer|maul",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:hammer"
"item_id_regex": "double_axe|doubleaxe|war_axe|waraxe|great_axe|greataxe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:double_axe"
"item_id_regex": "scythe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:scythe"
"item_id_regex": "halberd",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:halberd"
"item_id_regex": "glaive",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:glaive"
"item_id_regex": "spear",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:spear"
"item_id_regex": "lance",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:lance"
"item_id_regex": "anchor",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:anchor"
"item_id_regex": "battlestaff|battle_staff",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:battlestaff"
"item_id_regex": "claw",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:claw"
"item_id_regex": "fist|gauntlet",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:fist"
"item_id_regex": "trident|impaled",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:trident"
"item_id_regex": "katana",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:katana"
"item_id_regex": "rapier",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:rapier"
"item_id_regex": "sickle",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:sickle"
"item_id_regex": "soul_knife",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:soul_knife"
"item_id_regex": "dagger|knife",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:dagger"
"item_id_regex": "staff|wand|sceptre|stave|rod",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:wand"
"item_id_regex": "mace|hammer|flail",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:mace"
"item_id_regex": "axe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:axe"
"item_id_regex": "coral_blade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:coral_blade"
"item_id_regex": "twin_blade|twinblade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:twin_blade"
"item_id_regex": "cutlass|scimitar|machete",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:cutlass"
"item_id_regex": "sword|blade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:sword"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* Upswing (aka windup) is the first phase of the attack (between clicking and performing the damage).
Typical duration of upswing is `weapon cooldown * 0.5`. (Weapon specific upswing values can be defined in weapon attributes)
This config allows you to change upswing duration.
Example values:
- `0.5` (default, fast paced attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 25% of the attack cooldown
- `1.0` (classic setting, realistic attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 50% of the attack cooldown
"upswing_multiplier": 0.5,
// Bypass damage receive throttling of LivingEntity from player attacks.
"allow_fast_attacks": true,
// Allows client-side target search and server-side attack request execution against currently mounted entity of the player
"allow_attacking_mount": false,
// The minimum number of ticks between two attacks
"attack_interval_cap": 2,
/* Blacklist for entities that are acting as vehicle but should not be treated as protected mounts.
Classical example is an alexsmobs:crocodile attempting a death spin.
(Note all hostile mobs hittable by default, this config is to fix faulty mobs)
"hostile_player_vehicles": [
// Allows vanilla sweeping mechanic to work and Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_vanilla_sweeping": false,
// Allows new sweeping mechanic (by Better Combat) to work, including Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_reworked_sweeping": true,
/* The more additional targets a weapon swing hits, the weaker it will get.
Entities struck (+1) in a swing more than this, won't get weakened any further.
"reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count": 4,
/* Determines how weak the attack becomes when striking `reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count + 1` targets.
Example values:
- `0.5` -50% damage
"reworked_sweeping_maximum_damage_penalty": 0.5,
/* The maximum level Sweeping Edge enchantment applied to the attackers weapon will restore this amount of penalty.
Example values:
- `0.5` restores 50% damage penalty when 3 levels are applied, so 16.66% when 1 level is applied
"reworked_sweeping_enchant_restores": 0.5,
"reworked_sweeping_plays_sound": true,
"reworked_sweeping_emits_particles": true,
"reworked_sweeping_sound_and_particles_only_for_swords": true,
// Allows client-side target search to ignore obstacles. WARNING! Setting this to `false` significantly increases the load on clients.
"allow_attacking_thru_walls": false,
// Applies movement speed multiplier while attacking. (Min: 0, Max: 1). Use `0` for a full stop while attacking. Use `1` for no movement speed penalty
"movement_speed_while_attacking": 0.5,
// Determines if applying the movement speed multiplier while attacking is done smoothly or instantly
"movement_speed_applied_smoothly": true,
// Determines whether or not to apply movement speed reduction while attacking mounted
"movement_speed_effected_while_mounting": false,
// Attacks faster than a vanilla sword will do smaller knockback, proportionally.
"knockback_reduced_for_fast_attacks": true,
// Combo is reset after idling `combo_reset_rate * weapon_cooldown`
"combo_reset_rate": 3.0,
// Multiplier for `attack_range`, during target lookup on both sides. Large sized entities may be colliding with weapon hitbox, but center of entities can have bigger distance than `attack_range`
"target_search_range_multiplier": 2.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_attack_speed_multiplier": 1.2000000476837158,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_main_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_off_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
// Entities with `HOSTILE` relation will be hit by undirected weapon swings. NOTE: Vanilla sweeping will still happen, if not disabled via `allow_sweeping`
"player_relation_to_teamless_players": "NEUTRAL",
"player_relation_to_villagers": "NEUTRAL",
"player_relation_to_passives": "HOSTILE",
"player_relation_to_hostiles": "HOSTILE",
"player_relation_to_other": "HOSTILE",
// Try to guess and apply a preset for items without weapon attributes data file
"fallback_compatibility_enabled": true,
// Allow printing the content of weapon attributes registry
"weapon_registry_logging": false

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"badgeVisible": true,
"builtinServers": [
"name": "TouhouDiscordcraft",
"address": "",
"forced": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#If TRUE, Enchantment descriptions will be added to the tooltip for Enchanted Books containing only a single enchantment.
"Show Enchantment Descriptions" = true
#If TRUE, Items will be associated with various keywords which assist with searching in various menus such as JEI.
"Show Item Descriptions" = true
#If TRUE and Advanced Tooltips are enabled (F3+H), Tags will be will be added to item tooltips if possible.
"Show Item Tags" = true
#If TRUE, CoFH Items will always show full details (charge state, etc.) and will not require Shift to be held down.
"Always Show Item Details" = false
#If TRUE, CoFH Items will display a message prompting to hold Shift to see full details (charge state, etc.). This does not change the behavior, only if the informational message should display.
"Show 'Hold Shift for Details' Message" = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#If TRUE, dismantled blocks will be placed in the dismantling player's inventory if possible.
"Return Dismantle Drops" = false
#If TRUE, Fishing will cause exhaustion.
"Fishing Exhaustion" = false
#This option sets the amount of exhaustion caused by fishing, if enabled.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
"Fishing Exhaustion Amount" = 0.125
#If TRUE, Sapling growth will be slowed by a configurable factor.
"Sapling Growth Reduction" = false
#This option sets the growth factor for saplings - they will only grow 1 in N times.
#Range: > 1
"Sapling Growth Reduction Factor" = 4

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#Darkness properties file
#Wed May 22 17:31:15 CDT 2024

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
#true if wolves, cats, parrots, foxes, axolotls, etc can be set to wander, sit or follow
trinary_command_system = true
#true if axolotls are fully tameable (axolotl must be tamed with tropical fish)
tameable_axolotls = true
#true if horses, donkeys, llamas, etc can be given enchants, beds, etc
tameable_horse = true
#true if foxes are fully tameable (fox must be tamed via breeding)
tameable_fox = true
#true if rabbits are fully tameable (rabbit must be tamed with carrots)
tameable_rabbit = true
#true if frogs are fully tameable (rabbit must be tamed with spider eyes)
tameable_frog = true
#true if attacks do not register on pets from their owners and go through them to attack a mob behind them
swing_through_pets = true
#true if apples can turn into rotten apples if they despawn
rotten_apple = true
#true if mobs can respawn in pet beds the next morning after they die
pet_bed_respawns = false
#true if collar tag functionality are enabled. If this is disabled, there is no way to enchant mobs!
collar_tags = true
#true if rabbits scare ravagers like they used to do
rabbits_scare_ravagers = true
#true if animal tamer villagers are enabled. Their work station is a pet bed
animal_tamer_villager = true
#the spawn weight of the pet store in villages, set to 0 to disable it entirely
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
petstore_village_weight = 17
#true if pet curse enchantments should only appear in loot, and not the enchanting table.
pet_curse_enchantments_loot_only = true
#percent chance of woodland mansion loot table containing sinister carrot:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
sinister_carrot_loot_chance = 0.3
#percent chance of burried treasure loot table containing Bubbling book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
bubbling_loot_chance = 0.65
#percent chance of woodland mansion loot table containing Vampire book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
vampirism_loot_chance = 0.22
#percent chance of end city loot table containing Void Cloud book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
void_cloud_loot_chance = 0.19
#percent chance of mineshaft loot table containing Ore Scenting book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
ore_scenting_loot_chance = 0.15
#percent chance of ancient city loot table containing Muffled book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
muffled_loot_chance = 0.19
#percent chance of nether fortress loot table containing Blazing Protection book:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
blazing_protection_loot_chance = 0.2
#true if health boost enchant is enabled, false if disabled
health_boost_enabled = true
#true if fireproof enchant is enabled, false if disabled
fireproof_enabled = true
#true if immunity frame enchant is enabled, false if disabled
immunity_frame_enabled = true
#true if deflection enchant is enabled, false if disabled
deflection_enabled = true
#true if poison resistance enchant is enabled, false if disabled
poison_resistance_enabled = true
#true if chain lightning enchant is enabled, false if disabled
chain_lightning_enabled = true
#true if speedster enchant is enabled, false if disabled
speedster_enabled = true
#true if frost fang enchant is enabled, false if disabled
frost_fang_enabled = true
#true if magnetic enchant is enabled, false if disabled
magnetic_enabled = true
#true if linked inventory enchant is enabled, false if disabled
linked_inventory_enabled = true
#true if total recall enchant is enabled, false if disabled
total_recall_enabled = true
#true if health siphon enchant is enabled, false if disabled
health_siphon_enabled = true
#true if bubbling enchant is enabled, false if disabled
bubbling_enabled = true
#true if herding enchant is enabled, false if disabled
herding_enabled = true
#true if amphibious enchant is enabled, false if disabled
amphibious_enabled = true
#true if vampire enchant is enabled, false if disabled
vampire_enabled = true
#true if void cloud enchant is enabled, false if disabled
void_cloud_enabled = true
#true if charisma enchant is enabled, false if disabled
charisma_enabled = true
#true if shadow hands enchant is enabled, false if disabled
shadow_hands_enabled = true
#true if disc jockey enchant is enabled, false if disabled
disc_jockey_enabled = true
#true if defusal enchant is enabled, false if disabled
defusal_enabled = true
#true if warping bite enchant is enabled, false if disabled
warping_bite_enabled = true
#true if ore scenting enchant is enabled, false if disabled
ore_scenting_enabled = true
#true if gluttonous enchant is enabled, false if disabled
gluttonous_enabled = true
#true if psychic wall enchant is enabled, false if disabled
psychic_wall_enabled = true
#true if intimidation enchant is enabled, false if disabled
intimidation_enabled = true
#true if tethered teleport enchant is enabled, false if disabled
tethered_teleport_enabled = true
#true if muffled enchant is enabled, false if disabled
muffled_enabled = true
#true if blazing protection enchant is enabled, false if disabled
blazing_protection_enabled = true
#true if healing aura enchant is enabled, false if disabled
healing_aura_enabled = true
#true if rejuvenation enchant is enabled, false if disabled
rejuvenation_enabled = true
#true if undead curse enchant is enabled, false if disabled
undead_curse_enabled = true
#true if infamy curse enchant is enabled, false if disabled
infamy_curse_enabled = true
#true if blight curse enchant is enabled, false if disabled
blight_curse_enabled = true
#true if immaturity curse enchant is enabled, false if disabled
immaturity_curse_enabled = true

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#Range: > -2147483648
ticksUntilDeath = 2400
#If true, the timer until death continues even if the player logs out.
continueTimerWhileOffline = true
continueTimerWhileOffline = false
#The time in ticks it takes to rescue a player.
#Range: > -2147483648
rescueActionTicks = 40
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ rescueDistance = 5.0
#If true, knocked out players will glow, making them visible through blocks.
glowOnKnockout = true
#If true, knocked out players are still able to punch nearby enemies.
allowUnarmedMelee = true
allowUnarmedMelee = false
#If true, knocked out players are still able to fire bows.
allowBows = false
#If true, knocked out players are still able to fire pistols from Mr Crayfish's Gun Mod.

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#Example ["0-0.01","10-0.1","30-0"]
#-> So the difficulty increases by 0.01 every 2400 ticks (->0.1 per mc day since a mc day has 24000 ticks) till it reaches a difficulty of 10.
#Then it increases by 1 per mc day till it reaches 30 and then stops.
"Difficulty Increase" = ["0-0.1"]
"Difficulty Increase" = ["0-0.1", "250-0"]
#Wether difficulty should only increase with at least one online players or not
"Ignore Players" = false
#If true will increase difficulty by the amount of time skipped. Else will only increase difficulty once.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#Disable/Enable friendly fire for owned pets.
FriendlyFire = false
#Blacklist for pet you should't be able to give armor to. Pets from mods, which have custom armor already should be included here (for balancing reasons).
"Pet Blacklist" = ["touhou_little_maid"]
"Pet Blacklist" = []
#Treat pet blacklist as whitelist
"Pet Whitelist" = false
#Increase difficulty with time
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@
#<minecraft:sheep|REVERSE|ATTRIBUTES will> add sheep to attributes modification only
#<minecraft:sheep|ATTRIBUTES> will add sheep to everything except attributes
#<minecraft> blacklists all minecraft mobs from everything
"Entity Configs" = ["minecraft:blaze|GUARDIAN", "alexsmobs|HELDITEMS|USEITEM|GUARDIAN", "minecraft:ender_dragon", "minecraft:cod", "minecraft:donkey", "minecraft:squid", "minecraft:glow_squid", "minecraft:mule", "minecraft:skeleton_horse", "touhou_little_maid:maid", "minecraft:strider", "minecraft:trader_llama", "minecraft:parrot", "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:zombie_horse", "minecraft:horse", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:polar_bear", "minecraft:cat", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:bat", "minecraft:wandering_trader", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:fox", "minecraft:llama", "minecraft:pig", "minecraft:allay", "minecraft:frog", "minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:tropical_fish", "minecraft:turtle", "minecraft:sheep", "minecraft:snow_golem", "minecraft:mooshroom", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:ocelot", "minecraft:tadpole", "minecraft:goat", "minecraft:dolphin", "minecraft:chicken", "minecraft:wolf", "minecraft:panda", "minecraft:rabbit", "minecraft:axolotl"]
"Entity Configs" = ["minecraft:cod", "minecraft:donkey", "minecraft:squid", "minecraft:glow_squid", "minecraft:mule", "minecraft:skeleton_horse", "touhou_little_maid:maid", "minecraft:strider", "minecraft:trader_llama", "minecraft:parrot", "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:zombie_horse", "minecraft:horse", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:polar_bear", "minecraft:cat", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:bat", "minecraft:wandering_trader", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:fox", "minecraft:llama", "minecraft:pig", "minecraft:allay", "minecraft:frog", "minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:tropical_fish", "minecraft:turtle", "minecraft:sheep", "minecraft:snow_golem", "minecraft:mooshroom", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:ocelot", "minecraft:tadpole", "minecraft:goat", "minecraft:dolphin", "minecraft:chicken", "minecraft:wolf", "minecraft:panda", "minecraft:rabbit", "minecraft:axolotl"]
#Any of the following
#added here will disable that feature completely.
#E.g. ["GUARDIAN"] will disable the guardian feature
"Flag Blacklist" = []
#Treat ATTRIBUTES flags as whitelist
"Attribute Whitelist" = false
#Treat ARMOR flags as whitelist

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"resourcePacks": {
"enabled": true,
"additionalFolders": []
"dataPacks": {
"enabled": true,
"additionalFolders": []

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"loadOrder": []

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"pack": {
"pack_format": 8,
"description": ""

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
"replace": false,
"values": [

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"pack": {
"pack_format": 8,
"description": "More targets for Sanguine in Origins Minus"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{ "conditions": [{ "type": "forge:false" }]}

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{ "conditions": [{ "type": "forge:false" }]}

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{ "conditions": [{ "type": "forge:false" }]}

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"pack": {
"pack_format": 8,
"description": "Removes alloying recipes for unused alloys added by AllTheOres"

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"loadOrder": []

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"pack": {
"pack_format": 9,
"description": "I'm sorry Guy you can delete this if you want :)"

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#Set to false to stop quark from adding its own advancements
"Enable Quark Advancements" = true
#Set to false to disable the popup message telling you that you can config quark in the q menu
"Enable Onboarding" = false
"Enable Onboarding" = true
#Set to false to disable the behavior where quark will automatically hide any disabled items
"Hide Disabled Content" = true
#Set to false to disable Quark's item info when viewing recipe/uses for an item in JEI
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@
"Fall Speed" = -0.2
"Allow Freestanding" = true
"Allow Dropping Down" = true
"Allow Sliding" = false
"Allow Sliding" = true
"Allow Inventory Sneak" = true
@ -790,10 +790,10 @@
"Spiral Spires" = true
"Ancient Wood" = true
"New Stone Types" = true
"Blossom Trees" = false
"Blossom Trees" = true
"Glimmering Weald" = true
"Monster Box" = true
"Azalea Wood" = false
"Azalea Wood" = true
"No More Lava Pockets" = true
Corundum = true
"Chorus Vegetation" = true
@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@
Camera = true
"Elytra Indicator" = true
"Improved Tooltips" = true
"Greener Grass" = false
"Greener Grass" = true
"Buckets Show Inhabitants" = true
"Soul Candles" = true
"Auto Walk Keybind" = true
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@
"Attribute Tooltips" = true
"Food Tooltips" = false
"Food Tooltips" = true
"Shulker Tooltips" = true
"Map Tooltips" = true
"Enchanting Tooltips" = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#General Settings
#Determines whether vanilla torches will be replaced with lit torches during world generation.
generateLitTorches = true
#Determines whether matchboxes can light fires in the world like flint and steel.
matchboxCreatesFire = false
#The durability of the matchbox. Setting this to a negative value will result in unlimited uses.
#Range: -1 ~ 512
matchboxDurability = 64
#Determines whether vanilla torches drop unlit torches when broken.
vanillaTorchesDropUnlit = true
#The amount of time until a torch burns out, in minutes. Setting this to a negative value will disable torch burnout.
#Range: -1 ~ 2880
torchBurnoutTime = 60
#Determines whether lit torches disappear after they are extinguished, rather than turning into unlit torches.
torchNoRelight = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#Enables the fail sound if using the wrong tool.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#RockGeneration frequency. (1 = low, 5 = all over)
#Range: 1 ~ 5
#Chance for a successful flint knapping. (1.0 = 100%, 0.4 = 40%, etc.)
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0
#Heal rate for bandages. Crude bandages are 50% less effective. (1.0 = 100%, 0.4 = 40%, etc.)
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0
HEAL_RATE = 0.14
#Slowdown speed when using incorrect tool.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0
#Inverts blacklist to be whitelist. This allows for immersion mods/modpacks to only allow tools or armor for specific mods. Default: false
#List of mods that tools will become wet noodles. If inverted, acts as a whitelist. Default: [""]
mods = []
#List of individual tools that will always work. Format tooltype-modid:item Default: [""]
items = []
#Used to dump log info for Survivalist Essentials Modpack. Ignore.
#List of mods that have blocks that are generally decorative in nature and require no tool for harvesting blocks. Default: ["comforts"]
blockmods = ["comforts"]
#Hunger penalty feature. If after dying, player is rewarded with reduced hunger levels.
#Hunger value after death in half shanks. (0 = Really? That's just cruel, 20 = No penalty.)
#Range: 0 ~ 20
#Saturation value after death. Range 0 to 20.
#Range: 0 ~ 20
#Health penalty feature. If after dying, player is rewarded with reduced health levels.
#Health value after death in half hearts.
#Range: 0.5 ~ 100.0
HEALTH = 6.0
#Health penalty in half hearts player starts with. Reduces total starting health by this amount.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 19.0
#The amount of generic damage in half hearts a disabled tool, or bare hand should do. Default 0
#Range: 0 ~ 4
#List of mods that armor will not be equipable for. If inverted, acts as a whitelist. Default: [""]
armormods = []
#List of individual armor items that will be disabled. If inverted, acts as a whitelist. Format modid:item Default: [""]
armor = []
#List of tags when added to tools or armor will be disabled. If inverted, acts as a whitelist.["blacklist_tools"]
tag = ["blacklist_tools"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#If TRUE, some 'Thermal Series' Blocks will have ambient sounds.
"Ambient Block Sounds" = true
#If TRUE, some 'Thermal Series' Mobs will have ambient sounds.
"Ambient Mob Sounds" = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = false
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true
#Whether this ore should spawn in the world.
Enable = true

View File

@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
"Drowned swimming animation" = true
#The max height that deep ocean mobs can spawn at
#Range: 0 ~ 255
"Deep ocean mob max height" = 0
"Deep ocean mob max height" = 30

View File

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View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
const tools = [
const armors = [
ItemEvents.tooltip(tooltip => {
tools.forEach(tool => {
tooltip.add(tool, "§4But that's not a construct, is it?");
armors.forEach(armor => {
tooltip.add(armor, "§4Tinker would be ashamed.");

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#KubeJS Common Properties
#Wed May 22 21:46:13 CDT 2024

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ => {
['minecraft:leather', 'minecraft:glowstone_dust']

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ => {
event.remove({ output: "#forge:tools" });
event.remove({ output: "#forge:armors" });

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ => {
{ input: 'minecraft:iron_pickaxe' },
Item.of('tconstruct:pick_head', '{Material:"tconstruct:iron"}').strongNBT());

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
ItemEvents.modification(event => {
event.modify('pamhc2foodcore:freshwateritem', item => {
item.foodProperties = null;

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
const tools = [
const armors = [
ItemEvents.modification(event => {
//const whitelist = Ingredient.of(/minecraft:.*/);
tools.forEach(tool => {;
/*if (whitelist.test(tool)) {'pass');
event.modify(tool, item => {
item.maxDamage = 1;
armors.forEach(armor => {;
event.modify(armor, item => {
item.maxDamage = 1;

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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version = "BgeYEhGG"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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mod-id = "U9sJOFmJ"
version = "txvefAuz"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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file-id = 4046926
project-id = 405593

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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hash = "a70b6fc0aea412f33036f4a992449af6e49fd065"
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version = "SD6j6TWD"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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version = "XB1ghJZJ"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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version = "d51cgiPN"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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mod-id = "IupkwRPf"
version = "KabnimKU"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Caelus API"
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version = "hmlQQjAc"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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file-id = 4556677
project-id = 331936

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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mod-id = "OWSRM4vD"
version = "ssRHxD6e"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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project-id = 326652

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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version = "KCMrvAXI"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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url = ""
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mod-id = "h5JyLdjM"
version = "FQhDA1rS"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "2b2545ea2e203b25d9b33be1e5b8aea38eaa90f2"
mod-id = "NNAgCjsB"
version = "WR6z6MYC"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Environmental"
filename = "environmental-1.19.2-3.1.1.jar"
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hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "0745d8f61828d35505a7f964d6097feef0a81b70"
mod-id = "OqtiAZcV"
version = "LGP6wAh1"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Exposure"
filename = "exposure-1.19.2-1.6.0-forge.jar"
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version = "nCcagXCN"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "fast-ip-ping"
filename = "fast-ip-ping-mc1.19.4-forge-v1.0.1.jar"
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url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "3810b5ca4cd955c6709adc573773c9308eb37423"
mod-id = "9mtu0sUO"
version = "QeRVKAeD"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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filename = "grappling_hook_mod-1.19.2-1.19.2-v13.jar"
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url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "5f65c1bcc10ffef19eb8395aa80c69518ca914f3"
mod-id = "hGWjTxOA"
version = "WF6X5yh6"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Hardcore Redeploy"
name = "hardcore-redeploy"
filename = "hardcore_redeploy-1.0.0.jar"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha256"
hash = "aa5b4acabde2e246450199143e42fd8023a0bb208c34fd0777b8d6740dc95b94"
hash = "848688fe1fa8252ee7b5fb8b06a851b3a0bc364c41ca608a79de6561ab5b1ef8"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Just Enough Items"
filename = "jei-1.19.2-forge-"
side = "both"
side = "client"
url = ""

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More