#Gui Configs [gui] #Range: > 0 "Gui X" = 5 #Range: > 0 "Gui Y" = 5 #Textformatting codes for the display of the difficulty #Allowed Values: BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN, DARK_AQUA, DARK_RED, DARK_PURPLE, GOLD, GRAY, DARK_GRAY, BLUE, GREEN, AQUA, RED, LIGHT_PURPLE, YELLOW, WHITE, OBFUSCATED, BOLD, STRIKETHROUGH, UNDERLINE, ITALIC, RESET "Difficulty color" = "DARK_PURPLE" #Scaling of the difficulty text #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Text Scale" = 1.0 #Show the the difficulty text "Show Difficulty" = true #Relative location of the difficulty text in regards to the screen. #Allowed Values: TOPRIGHT, TOPLEFT, BOTTOMRIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT "Difficulty location" = "TOPLEFT"