{ "__comment": [ "Mobs will be able to equip items declared here", "The first number is the weight while the second number is the quality", "Weight is the weight of an item. Higher weight means that the item is more likely to get choosen", "Quality is a modifier applied to the weight. The final weight used is weight + quality * current difficulty" ], "MAINHAND": { "minecraft:bow": [ 1108, 0.0 ], "minecraft:crossbow": [ 1000, 0.0 ], "minecraft:diamond_axe": [ 693, 2.456 ], "minecraft:diamond_sword": [ 789, 1.688 ], "minecraft:enchanted_book": [ 1100, 0.0 ], "minecraft:golden_axe": [ 1248, -1.984 ], "minecraft:golden_sword": [ 1362, -2.896 ], "minecraft:iron_axe": [ 1087, -0.696 ], "minecraft:iron_sword": [ 1225, -1.8 ], "minecraft:lingering_potion{Potion:\"minecraft:harming\"}": [ 1050, 0.0 ], "minecraft:netherite_axe": [ 498, 4.016 ], "minecraft:netherite_sword": [ 602, 3.184 ], "minecraft:snowball": [ 1400, 0.0 ], "minecraft:splash_potion{Potion:\"minecraft:harming\"}": [ 1050, 0.0 ], "minecraft:stone_axe": [ 1122, -0.976 ], "minecraft:stone_sword": [ 1298, -2.384 ], "minecraft:tnt": [ 800, 0.0 ], "minecraft:trident": [ 900, 0.0 ], "minecraft:wooden_axe": [ 1240, -1.92 ], "minecraft:wooden_sword": [ 1354, -2.832 ] }, "OFFHAND": { "minecraft:ender_pearl": [ 1100, 0.0 ], "minecraft:flint_and_steel": [ 1200, 0.0 ], "minecraft:lava_bucket": [ 900, 0.0 ], "minecraft:shield": [ 1350, 0.0 ] }, "FEET": { "minecraft:chainmail_boots": [ 1098, -0.784 ], "minecraft:diamond_boots": [ 444, 4.448 ], "minecraft:golden_boots": [ 1201, -1.608 ], "minecraft:iron_boots": [ 954, 0.368 ], "minecraft:leather_boots": [ 1356, -2.848 ], "minecraft:netherite_boots": [ 361, 5.112 ], "tconstruct:plate_boots": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:slime_boots": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:travelers_boots": [ 1500, -4.0 ] }, "LEGS": { "minecraft:chainmail_leggings": [ 1098, -0.784 ], "minecraft:diamond_leggings": [ 444, 4.448 ], "minecraft:golden_leggings": [ 1201, -1.608 ], "minecraft:iron_leggings": [ 954, 0.368 ], "minecraft:leather_leggings": [ 1356, -2.848 ], "minecraft:netherite_leggings": [ 361, 5.112 ], "tconstruct:plate_leggings": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:slime_leggings": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:travelers_leggings": [ 1500, -4.0 ] }, "CHEST": { "minecraft:chainmail_chestplate": [ 1098, -0.784 ], "minecraft:diamond_chestplate": [ 444, 4.448 ], "minecraft:golden_chestplate": [ 1201, -1.608 ], "minecraft:iron_chestplate": [ 954, 0.368 ], "minecraft:leather_chestplate": [ 1356, -2.848 ], "minecraft:netherite_chestplate": [ 361, 5.112 ], "tconstruct:plate_chestplate": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:slime_chestplate": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:travelers_chestplate": [ 1500, -4.0 ] }, "HEAD": { "minecraft:chainmail_helmet": [ 1098, -0.784 ], "minecraft:diamond_helmet": [ 444, 4.448 ], "minecraft:golden_helmet": [ 1201, -1.608 ], "minecraft:iron_helmet": [ 954, 0.368 ], "minecraft:leather_helmet": [ 1356, -2.848 ], "minecraft:netherite_helmet": [ 361, 5.112 ], "minecraft:turtle_helmet": [ 865, 1.08 ], "tconstruct:plate_helmet": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:slime_helmet": [ 1500, -4.0 ], "tconstruct:travelers_helmet": [ 1500, -4.0 ] } }