2024-05-22 17:40:04 -05:00

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#The item that can tamed maid
#Use the registered name of the item directly or write tag name with # as prefix
MaidTamedItem = "minecraft:cake"
#The item that can temptation maid
#Use the registered name of the item directly or write tag name with # as prefix
MaidTemptationItem = "minecraft:cake"
#The item that can NTR maid
#Use the registered name of the item directly or write tag name with # as prefix
MaidNtrItem = "minecraft:structure_void"
#The max range of maid work mode
#Range: 3 ~ 64
MaidWorkRange = 12
#The max range of maid idle mode
#Range: 3 ~ 32
MaidIdleRange = 6
#The max range of maid sleep mode
#Range: 3 ~ 32
MaidSleepRange = 6
#The max range of maid's Non-Home mode
#Range: 3 ~ 32
MaidNonHomeRange = 8
#The max number of animals around when the maid breeds animals
#Range: 6 ~ 65536
FeedAnimalMaxNumber = 50
#Maid can switch models freely
MaidChangeModel = true
#Maid can only play gomoku with her owner
MaidGomokuOwnerLimit = true
#The maximum number of maids the player own
#Range: > 0
OwnerMaxMaidNum = 2147483647
#These items cannot be placed in the maid backpack
MaidBackpackBlackList = []
#The entity that the maid will not recognize as targets for attack
MaidAttackIgnore = []
#The entity that the maid will not hurt when in ranged attack
MaidRangedAttackIgnore = []
#These items cannot be used as a maid's work meals
MaidWorkMealsBlockList = ["minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:poisonous_potato", "minecraft:rotten_flesh", "minecraft:spider_eye", "minecraft:chorus_fruit"]
#These items cannot be used as a maid's home meals
MaidHomeMealsBlockList = ["minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:poisonous_potato", "minecraft:rotten_flesh", "minecraft:spider_eye", "minecraft:chorus_fruit"]
#These items cannot be used as a maid's heal meals
MaidHealMealsBlockList = ["minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:poisonous_potato", "minecraft:rotten_flesh", "minecraft:spider_eye"]
#These items cannot be used as a maid's work meals which match the regex
MaidWorkMealsBlockListRegEx = []
#These items cannot be used as a maid's home meals which match the regex
MaidHomeMealsBlockListRegEx = []
#These items cannot be used as a maid's heal meals which match the regex
MaidHealMealsBlockListRegEx = []
#Chair can switch models freely
ChairChangeModel = true
#Chair can be destroyed by anyone
ChairCanDestroyedByAnyone = true
#Maid fairy's power point
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0
MaidFairyPowerPoint = 0.16
#Maid fairy's spawn probability (zombie is 100, enderman is 10)
#Range: > 0
MaidFairySpawnProbability = 70
#The following biome do not spawn maid fairy
MaidFairyBlacklistBiome = ["minecraft:the_void", "minecraft:mushroom_fields"]
#The following dimension do not spawn maid fairy
MaidFairyBlacklistDimension = ["minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end", "twilightforest:twilight_forest"]
#Loss power point after player death
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0
PlayerDeathLossPowerPoint = 1.0
#Give a soul spell item for player first join
GiveSoulSpell = true
#Give the Memorizable Gensokyo book item for player first join
GivePatchouliBook = true
#Shrine Lamp Effect Cost (Power Point/Per Hour)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
ShrineLampEffectCost = 0.9
#Shrine Lamp Max Storage Power Point
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
ShrineLampMaxStorage = 100.0
#Shrine Lamp Max Range Of Absorb Power Point
#Range: > 0
ShrineLampMaxRange = 6
#Whether to turn off the Optifine warning
CloseOptifineWarning = false
#Whether to replace the vanilla slime model with the yukkuri.
ReplaceSlimeModel = true
#Whether to replace the vanilla xp orb texture with the point items.
ReplaceXPTexture = true
#Whether to replace the vanilla totem texture with the life point.
ReplaceTotemTexture = true
#Whether to replace the vanilla bottle of xp texture with the point items.
ReplaceXPBottleTexture = true